6 Puerto Rican Artists Win at 2024 Latin Grammy Awards
6 Puerto Rican artists won awards at the 2024 Latin Grammys. Check out who the winners were here.
Mariela Santos-Muñiz is a Puerto Rican journalist with an M.A. in International Relations and International Communications. She is the founder of BoriMás.
6 Puerto Rican artists won awards at the 2024 Latin Grammys. Check out who the winners were here.
Here's a list of the Puerto Rican artists nominated for 2024 Latin Grammy awards.
Cubriendo las artes y la culturas puertorriqueñas — dentro y fuera de la Isla — en Inglés y Español, con un enfoque especial en cubrir a les Boricuas (puertorriqueños/as/es) menos atendides y subrepresentades. Fundado por la periodista Boricua, Mariela Santos Muñiz, esta empresa de noticias va a trabajar para entretener
Covering Puerto Rican arts and cultures — on the island and off — in English and Spanish, with a special focus on covering the underserved and underrepresented Boricuas (Puerto Ricans). Founded by the Boricua journalist, Mariela Santos-Muñiz, this news venture will work to entertain and inform a diverse audience through quality journalism